What To Do If Exposed To Covid Cdc 2021. Stay home for 14 days after your last contact with a person who has COVID-19. The Proclamation directs the.

The CDC advises that unvaccinated folks get tested immediately after learning of exposure to a close contact with COVID-19 and again 5-7 days later. On October 25 2021 the President issued a Proclamation external icon titled Advancing the Safe Resumption of Global Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic to suspend and restrict the entry of noncitizen nonimmigrants who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and seeking to enter the United States by air travel. The CDC recommends you wear a mask for 14 days when in public indoor spaces following exposure.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention refers.
According to the CDC people who are positive for COVID should stay home until its safe for them to be around others including even other members of their home. What to do. Or at least you think you have. On November 26 2021 WHO named the B11529 Omicron and classified it as a Variant of Concern VOC.