What Does The Meaning Let's Go Brandon Mean 2021. Lets Go Brandon seen here on a sign at a college football game is used as shorthand to insult President Biden. 21 House floor speech with a fist pump and the phrase Lets go Brandon it may have seemed cryptic and weird to many who were listening.

Brandon you also told me as you can hear the chants from the crowd Lets go Brandon Brandon you. Brown recently won. You may have seen the hashtag or phrase Lets Go Brandon on social media and wondered what does that mean.
What does LetsGoBrandon mean.
Stavast asked Brandon about the chants of Lets go Brandon coming from the crowd. Lets Go Brandon seen here on a sign at a college football game is used as shorthand to insult President Biden. What does Lets go Brandon mean about Joe Biden. The phrase Lets go Brandon is referring to a viral video of the NASCAR Racer.