What Does Let's Go Brandon Mean 2021. Brown recently won. If youve heard people chanting Lets go Brandon or seen someone with a shirt or hat sporting the seemingly-jovial message lately you might be wondering who Brandon is and why so many people are rooting for him.

The phrase refers to a viral video of Brown following his NASCAR Xfinity Series win in October 2021 where a crowd behind him was chanting f Joe Biden However an NBC reporter mistakenly reported that the crowd was actually chanting lets go Brandon. Lets go Brandon isnt the first president-related meme to take off nor is it the first time a president. Of course theres only one problem with the question and one she probably.
Perhaps someone on.
Brandon refers to 28-year-old Nascar driver Brandon Brown who won his first Xfinity Series in early October 2021 and was interviewed by NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast. In the video the crowd behind him is chanting f Joe Biden however the NBC reporter is claiming the chant is lets go Brandon which has since been referred to as a form of damage control. Theres a difference between calls for violence and this sort of wink that the Lets Go Brandon meme is. Lets Go Brandon is a political slogan that has been widely used as a minced oath for Fuck Joe Biden in reference to Joe Biden the 46th president of the United States.