James Webb Space Telescope Timeline 2021. JWST was launched on 25 December 2021 on Ariane flight VA256It is designed to provide improved. At T73 seconds the Ariane 5 rocket lifted off from pad ELA-3 at the Guiana Space Centre carrying the James Webb Space Telescope.

NASAs James Webb Space Telescope the agencys successor to the famous Hubble telescope is scheduled to launch no earlier than Dec. 25 2021The Webb space telescope will launch on an Ariane 5. ESA-MPedoussaut After its arrival in the final assembly building Webb was slowly hoisted nearly 130 feet and then perfectly aligned on top of the Ariane 5 after which.
The James Webb Space Telescope Webb will be the largest most powerful telescope ever launched into space.
NASA NASA December 25 2021. Eastern time on Saturday from a European-managed spaceport in French Guiana on the coast of South America. By NASA December 25 2021. Reuters After a decade-long delay cost overruns and technical snags the James Webb Space Telescope is set to launch from Europes Spaceport in French Guiana on Saturday.